
Fluorescence Lifetime Fitting

Package of Matlab routines for fitting Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting (TCSPC) measurements. Finds initial guess values of decay times, performs deconvolution with Instrumental Response Function, includes background and color shift corrections. Uses either least-square or maximum likelihood fit function.

Differential Forms Algebra

Mathematica package for doing computer algebra with differential forms. The package allows you to define basis 1-forms, to define wedge products of forms, calulate Hodge star dual forms, affinity forms, Riemann tensor and Ricci tensor. The package was mainly developed for solving Einstein's equations of gravity.

Crystal Morphology

Mathematica package for drawing a crystal's morphology on the basis of its point group, the crystal's axes system, and the indices of its symmetrically distinct faces. . Includes a database of more than 2500 different minerals and their morphological characteristics. Visualizes all 32 crystallographic point groups.
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